Two families from 1843, at the beginning of the creation of the New Greek state, till 1973, are separated and united over the years, experiencing intrigues, deaths, troubled times, just like the country ... A painting is loved, hated, swaped, just like the country... Does it have its own life or reflects what we project on it? But anyhow, isn’t life a huge projection whose operator has never been seen?
Barbara Douka is a director, screenwriter, actress and educator. She has directed theater, cinema and documentaries in Greece and abroad. She is the artistic director of the Regional and Municipal Theater of Corfu, and since 2009 she has been directing the educational program and the Pitching Lab of the Drama Short Film Festival.
Olympia Mytilinaiou is a renowned and awarded cinematographer, based in Athens. Born and raised in Northern Greece, at the foot of Mount Olympus, from an early age she developed a passion and understanding for natural light. After working as a camera assistant in cinema for several years, she began her career as a cinematographer in 1999. Since then, she has made many feature and short films, documentaries, TV commercials, corporate and music videos, video art and more. Most of her film productions have premiered at many acclaimed film festivals around the world.